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This is me

Art has always been a part of my life from an early age. My dad is an artist himself, so I kind of picked up the skill from him. I have never been to a formal art school, but like my dad, I seem to have been born with a natural talent for drawing. Even though I have been painting since 2008, I still feel like a stranger in the art world at times. As self-taught artist, I feel like I’m on the outside looking in.

For so long I stayed within the safety of my sketchbook. Once I got into painting I was hooked! Even though painting is my new love, I think keeping up with the basics of sketching is a must for all artists.

I would say that my current style of art is kind of a melting pot. There are so many artists that inspire me and that I try to learn from. While trying to put my own little twist on things and keep my art unique, I think have a piece of those who inspire me somewhere in my art. The medium I use now for most of my pieces is oil paint. I use to use acrylics when I first began to paint. But by switching to oil paint, it allowed me much more freedom to express my ideas because of the versatility of the medium. The ultimate goal with art is to be able to bring a smile or a moment of joy to the onlooker. If I can do that, then I have done my job.

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